Some have heard of it, but few have had the opportunity to climb it. To this day, the Paroi Éléphant remains one of the Upper Laurentians best-preserved gems. This rock wall, facing due west, plunges directly into the deep waters of the Poisson Blanc reservoir, culminating in a magnificent view of the reservoir’s archipelago.

Camping Nearby
Paroi Éléphant is located several kilometres away from the Poisson Blanc Regional Park reception area by canoe. To make the most of it, it’s best to rent a campsite close to the wall and set up your base camp. The campsites that surround the wall and provide access in less than 20 minutes by canoe are as follows, in order of proximity:
63B – 63C – 63A – 64 – 60 – 56

- 100 metres wide
- 35 metres high (max)
- Sport, trad, and top-roping
- 28 routes rated from 5.5 to 5.12
- Allow 5h by canoe to get there
- Dry toilet available on site
Top-Roping Access Trail
An approach trail leading to the anchors is available for installing ropes. The trail head is located between the cliff and the 63B campsite at the far right. Allow 10 minutes to reach the top.